RB Group founded in the year of 1969, RB Group is one of India's leading group in the field of education
with more than 30000 students and 1250 faculty members. The area of excellence range from medical
and engineering to management and agriculture. The RB Group since its inception has been actively
involved in promoting and offering quality education management and agriculture. Specifically at higher
levels and in professional disciplines, to such students hailing from different region of the nation.
R.B. (P.G.) College has been established in 2000 at Agra R.B. (P.G.) college is fast growing institute in Northern India, setting high standards of imparting quality education with balanced approach to theoretical and experiential learning.
RB Group founded in the year of 1969, RB Group is one of India's leading group in the field of education with more than 30000 students and 1250 faculty members. The area of excellence range from medical and engineering to management and agriculture.